Thursday, June 26, 2008

El-chupacabra part II

The bodies of the victims of the Chupacabra have been found, with many small but regular circular of the holes 1 / 4 "- 1 / 2" ready in diameter, in pairs, like triangle. These openings were located in the neck, chest, abdomen and anal intercourse, and appear with a scalpel to the surgeon. There are also reports of some missing bodies of the victims, but no visible means of extraction was found, has left the body. The reproduction, reproductive organs, anus, eyes and other soft tissues were sometimes deleted.

The violations in May similar presentation by the bite of dogs and baboons, because they are round and small, but the similarity hears there. These injuries caused by penetration into the right jaw, muscles and tissues, and directly into the brain, precisely in the cerebellum, punching and the death of the animal immediately. That shows a kind of technique of euthanasia, this method to prevent the contested suffering of animals.

If the wounds are on the sides and the belly of the victim, the intrusion of rule by the stomach, a decline of the liver seems to remove the parts of the institution and the absorption of liquids. The wall of the wound seems also been to prevent cauterized seem a little too much blood loss and non-flammable natural processes were in the tissues of dead animals. In addition, there is no trauma, abrasions, scratches, bites and pressure the auditors observed on the other side of the wound. In most cases, the victims of death lack of strictness and remain flexible, a few days after her death. Incredibly, in some cases, the blood, which remained in the body, not clot or clotting for the days after the death.


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