Wednesday, June 25, 2008


There are several variants what people think about the total look of El-Chupacabra. The current theory is that there is a biped creature four to five foot in height describes as a kind of cross between a "Grey" humanoid alien, mainly because the shape of his head and eyes look’s like an alien and what most witnesses describe how the body a biped, setting like a dinosaurs.

It has light weapons, with three fingers pliers, two large reptiles almost behind the legs, again with three sharp claws and spine serves their backs to beat. That seems to be quickly and jump on trees. His head is oval and has an elongated jaw.

Two red or black Beady eyes and small holes in the nostril, a small slit than mouth two large fang teeth kind of surface, above and below the jaw.

It all seems very natural hair on his body, and although most observers say the hair is black, he has the remarkable ability to change colors, the willingness, almost like a chameleon. In the darkness, then black or brown color, sun in an area surrounded by the vegetation changes to green, green-gray, beige or light brown.

Some believe that it is a half-human, half animal vampire, while others say it is like a panther with red eyes and tongue of a snake.

Another version is that hops like a kangaroo and smells like sulfur.


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