Saturday, July 26, 2008

Death.... All Around?

Spiritual death

A classic starting point in the definition of death, life itself seems to be the perceived death or a termination of life - or as a transition towards a continuation of life by other means. A logical approach would be to ask ", died" when death comes. In other words, the identity of the dying is in the definition of death. But how can we build dying must be clearly and unambiguously identity ". Death eludes all definitions; it is the great unknown, the last truth.

Legal death

In the West the right to a dead person can be declared in three different ways. By far the most pronounced by a doctor. The second largest municipality coroner spoke of a doctor or an accountant. The third way, a person is legally pronounced death by the courts after a person has disappeared during a certain time, the courts decide to the dead; their goods can be distributed in an appropriate manner. The certificate of death is a document that the exact legal status, how and when a person died, and who decides the dead.

Social death

A person is not completely died, claimed Hertz, until the proper rituals were completed.

Religious death

For the Roman Catholic Church is death "complete and definitive separation of soul from the body." But the Vatican has acknowledged that the diagnosis of death is a subject of medicine, not the church. In 1957, Pope Pius XII doubts whether the doctors can be, "the process of resuscitation, despite the fact that the soul of May, already from the body." He has even asked one of the key issues to modern medicine, namely when the death has already taken place after serious injuries in the brain, which led to the loss of deep breathing and the heart of the paralysis, the death of consequences has been delayed Caused by the artificial respiration. "The answer," he said, "not under the jurisdiction of the Church."
"It remains to the doctor and anesthetist, in particular, a clear and precise definition of death 'and' time of death" a patient dies, in a state of unconsciousness. “

Pope Pius XII.

The followers of religions such as Zen Buddhism, Schintoismus and think that the mind and body are integrated and have difficulty to accept brain death criteria for the determination of death. Some Orthodox Jews, Americans, fundamentalist Christians and Muslims believe that while the heart beats - even artificially, you're still alive.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

"Ghost" Are they real?

Ghost - definition - "The spirit of a deceased person, especially a view of negotiations in the physical resemblance to persons living or frequent ex-habitats."

What are the spirits and ghosts?

More than ever, people are desperately in search of who and what are the ghosts. Where do they come from? Why are they doing? Are the drinks and other members of the souls who died? Are they still trapped in our dimension? Are they lost and unable to move, to the place where they belong? Are you at the end of the plan to succeed? Is what they even know that they themselves?

These are the spirit of bending questions! And that is probably why so many people are today, so much time and energy, and when a large part of their lives to try to contact or the structure.

But for the simple answer to all that we need back in time. We must return to about 7000 years old - in the word of God - the Bible.

God has told us several thousand years earlier, on all the ghosts around us. And it is not unreasonable to rely on the Bible for the answers. To the Bible itself is by credible testimony that God, because the author is. In His Word supernatural God has done some things to prove that the author of it.

Now please read and not nervous. I will show you why we can be confident that the Bible.

The Bible was by 40 men, selected by God to write. It was developed over a period of 1,500 years. The 40 men have written on 3 continents separated, and all were writing the same thing at the same time. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the time, they had no vans to the postal service, no case ship aircraft, Federal Express, UPS and no e-mail. Then, how could it be that he writing all the same things, which are then separated on 3 continents? Because the men written, God has spoken.

The second witness of God to us is that the author God of the Bible:
Prophecy. The Bible is about 40% of prophecy. There are nearly 8000 verses of the prophecy in the Bible. Of the nearly 8000 verses, 90% of them come in the way, with a precise indication. The remaining 10% are either in the work now or in the future we will soon. Only God can say in our entire way of the story from beginning to end. And God has not wrong. God's prophetic program proved to be extremely precise and accurate.

And that is in this Bible that God shows us that these spirits or ghosts. “If you are misled to believe the lie of the development, I have flash information for you - mind, nothing has changed! -- And neither has the intellectual field - and has other dimensions - and still we do.

First, the spirits who are not.

The ghosts are not dead. They are not from the parents or relatives who have died, and which are not changed.

For some of these May-hard to swallow, even shocking. Many people have of events or visits or contacts with institutions, it seems, or the claims, a costly, which have passed. But God tells us in his word, the Bible, that when the soul leaves the body, he will directly go to Him. From there the soul stands before the Lord, so he decides. The soul is the access in the Kingdom of God (the sky), or it is in a prison mental literal (hell).

If you think the spirits, or do not believe in ghosts, it is probably sure you know, at least someone who you said, they have really seen a ghost.

All of America and the rest of the world of ghosts and haunting. Sometimes the ghosts, sometimes they are perceived. Sometimes the person making the encounter with a spirit that he is accepted as the reality, so that sometimes a person who holds a meeting in May to deny what he or she comes from the experience.

Ghosts are in the Bible. God tells us that there is a "great cloud of witnesses" that surrounds us. It also shows us that there are ghosts around us. What the world loves the ghosts call, God calls: spirits, ghosts, spirits messy; misleading ghosts, devils and demons, principalities, Nephelim and the heads up.

I personally have always believed the mind, or "ghosts" because of the detailed descriptions of God shows us in the Bible. But I never really believed person was actually to see their audience or, at least as a voice in question. I also know that the real centers often receive some unknown truths detailed domain, which most of us know little. LEDs, the readers of palm oil, diseases good adventure, etc., to learn from somewhere on the other. Contrary to what some think, you are not from inside them. Media are people and, like the entire world, limited to the meat, which in turn is limited to the physical laws of nature. To the detailed information they receive, they have to deal with someone on the other hand, lives someone who is outside of time and space, as we know it.

What we believe "ghosts" or the spirit is really, is a little questionable, because the evidence piling up more and more, especially with the technology of today. Technological advances have to give concrete evidence paranormal claims. Are no longer simply personal paranormal experience, but our technology is the Fang daily on video, video recorders, thermal imaging cameras, electro-magnetic field sensors (EMC) of movement - and a host of other technologies.

But this proof technology is no surprise to many of us. Many of us have for a long time about these ghosts. Many think because of personal experience, they have had in the eyes of many because of the technological caught, that they have seen, and many of us believe, because God has told us in his word, since the beginning of all.

The fear of the Ouija board - and how to overcome them

Nearly 20 years I have started looking for the Ouija board to see whether its validity, or proof that might be what would be for all of us. At the time, I must say that, like most people, I was deeply influenced by the rumors, according to which such devices are the evil, not trustworthy, or at least, questionable. But thanks to an earlier study of hypnosis, I have become very conscious, self-illusion, the auto-fulfilling prophecies of the faith and imagination, if it is well become a simple task for me, the medium term. So to me about this instrument of communication with a spirit of openness - the spirit between faith and disbelief - no problem. And yes, in the winter months of 1985, with eight persons to give my first, my search began.

Only after a heavy and fragile to begin, after a lot of patience, three people - already have past, one after the other is for me to speak. And they have me well enough, the evidence of their existence to flow a line ship, it was not enough for me to accept that I actually talk to real people beyond the grave. But with “Laura” all that should change….

"Is there anybody there?" Have I asked? On my old cardboard - now the "spirit Contact Council"- the usual responses were slow in training. But, as I said, with a little patience, it is quickly made sense if the Council has responded:

“Laura “

"Hi Laura." I said: "What can we do for you?"


"What? You said," a dope “Laura”?


"What you are talking about dope, we have no doping in this house."

During the time that marijuana is completely outside the law and with two small children in the house, these chemicals - and certainly problems with the police, were committed to not been approved, n 'Somewhere in the vicinity of my family and my house. However, the response to this observation:


Even if it be true, in my mind, it could be only one reason that there is a kind of outside of the law of drugs with me at the time, and could have been that someone had to the table and some not so says . Unlike these, there was no chance in any way whatsoever, this type of drugs at home. I have therefore asked

"You're saying that it's OK, dope in this house. Could you tell me where is it please?"


"Oh right. "As part of a President". I am sad, Laura, but I think you are deceived. There is no dope in any president in this house OK?"


I then asked everyone around the table when they were dope, and if they then clean and end this situation. But it was not necessary to ask, because they all have the same opinion as I have on this issue.

"As you can see, Laura - at least, I believe you can - not everything here was dope. Then, if they had not, then how can one not a President? Are you sure you do not pull my leg? “


I was rather bored with so I sighed and asked: "What President is OK he please?"

Although I mentioned that eight persons board, in this night there, I must add that, as they sat, I was still on the back and take notes, my fingers, never on the glass.

"CHAIR near you"

"They want to say it to my left?"


"You're a joke! Is it not the case that all the dope under this presidency? No a seat for me, but Laura and I am not the thing. OK not the answer to this Hardly. Allow me to review and to prove that you are wrong, OK? “

"OK." TRY “

"I go!"

To put my notes and the chair moved.

Now, a couple lazy then neither my wife nor I ever, vacuum cleaners, either because of President. How many people around us by them to be with other matters - such as watching TV, etc. So, when I moved the president, and in our great pain, there was almost enough dust and debris, which is a layer of bare Bear! In any case, to ignore our faces red, I went down, and started to browse, to show Laura - and everyone else - there was no hope, will be.

But my absolute incredulity, it was!

When I had finished sifting through all the waste, right, at the end of my finger is a small piece of paper wrapped money. In this paper, aluminum was a small piece of dope has been there, I do not know how long.

"How on earth did you know what Laura?" I loved it.

"WAR (A name I can not specify) POCKET"

"Well, I have never; I can not believe that with my own eyes! Search world! Tell me, it's not dope!" But if they all views, they all have recognized that it is indeed. "Incredible! How can it be something to see, with effect idiomatic everything? How could any of us have thought to press the glass - even unconsciously - clarify something away to look like? Dope In my house? Never! Order to take matters not yet believed that the person did not mention the feet in my house for more than twelve months prior to this message!

Was that a sufficient evidence for us? Of course, it was. But the story does not end there, has made us even more shocking news - and proof - to come from Laura that the prosecution continues until the first few hours that night there. For more information, but wait, there's something you need to know first.

At that time I had the habit to go to a friend's home on Tuesday nights for what we called the "Nuits". He was returning to the Commodore 64 days before most of us also to the idea of a PC. With regard to the public in how masterfully multitasking was yet to be invented. Well, I do not know whether you are the same as I do, but for me, although I have a friend in May, unless that the issue is, I rarely, if he or she has the brothers or sisters. And with him, the same with me, he did not know what either about me. But without the knowledge of my friend, I had some shock and learn the new round of waiting, it just about when I saw him, on Tuesday.

It was when we were playing; I continued the theme of the family. After I had said to him, to me, I have asked him to be to which his answer was that he had two sisters.

"What do you mean by 'a' two sisters" D "?

"Oh? Have you? I have a few years ago."

"Really?" OK. "Can I try something with you?"

"What's that?"

"You know that I did not know that you have the whole family, until I asked you, you have not?"

"Yes? Na?"

"OK." I accept the gaps for you? If I do, believe me, that my board is running, and the Hereafter, there are really, after all? “

He started to laugh and said: "You can try if you wish, but it very well."

"Oh, let it not that worried. OK Let we start from the beginning. You still have not managed to me, but I will tell you that the sister, was described as" Laura ". Correct the East? “

It was to drink, you can at the moment and the phasing out of just when many, ash, he turned to me and shouted, "How Did you know that?"

"Let me conclude Ok, I am not right, then I think you now. How did they die? Now, I will tell you. It was a race of the hitch in London, where they could roll an extension of a lorry driver. Since the driver of the truck not be bad, he threw her from his truck. As you and I know now, at once, like your older sister Helen - is always with us - Laura loved drugs also didn’t '? He loved the heroin. So, when the driver of the truck thrown, he had no idea, it has a dragon. However, it is in such a rage, not the way that he immediately stopped the truck. Without even to think about it again, he accidentally threw her on the fast lane. Laura Since not entirely sober, she wonders to this path not knowing what they did. moments later, a car quickly and has more than its his murder. "If she is dead, Laura of 18 years. Is there anything I said "D", is wrong? “

My friend was at a complete loss what to say or to do so. He said not a word to me, more than one hour and a total loss for words. Looking at his face, I knew that everything I said was correct and that no detail was wrong. In any case, if it managed to take control of him, it has checked every word.

Two weeks later, I still knew that he called me two clock mornings, and he wept. When I asked him what was the question (he wept not), he had everything to say that I since our conversation, it was overcome with the loss of Laura. He added that, if they so tragically had been killed like this, his family, the parents and everyone, but all were safe from her mind. Although a funeral for him and all has, however, it is such a thing has not really taken place. You yourself have said that since Laura always that anywhere in the world, this is where it is, "there somewhere, still alive and fun to have back home. At that time I was on the supplier to his grave.

When we finally took place at the cemetery at night in a small village nearby, it was black, very cold and foggy. For more than an hour, and with a lighter in his hand, he and I, after the grave stone, where it could be. If we found that they threw it on his grave, headstone sobbed his leadership, and his heart.

"I Loved You Laura. I am sad; I do not have much a brother for you. But I loved you. I'm sad. Then, sorry ... I'm so sad ..."

As he cried and presented its deep remorse and manifests, even if I do not myself as a mentally especially at the moment, I swear I could feel obliged to him, Laura very well, as she wept with him.

The fear of a Haunted House

It is the time of the year. The time all the ghouls and demons of wood. Time for the children dress in costumes and imagination go to their quarters, to get medical treatment. Yes, it is gratifying that the annual holiday: Halloween. During this holiday, a popular tradition, for many, to local houses obsessed. These common creepy, people delighted in the entertainment primales their fears. We are many who have their foot on a small fright.

Of course, it is not surprising that houses obsessed wrong. Annual events of the smoke and mirrors kind of frights. They are entertaining, because everyone plays along. The Demons are the actors, the Ghost, the accessories. These houses are amusing been because the two spook spooked and know that nobody is really bad to be in the process. So, what about real houses?

Here are the rules change. This time the warnings are real, and the safety of the victim in question. Now you face to face with the supernatural. It is, provided there is no such thing as a "scary".

Most districts in many parts of the industrial and post-industrial world, houses seem to have one or two places frequented. After Dennis William Hauck by the National Register of Haunted Houses, there are more than 2000 varieties have been alone in the United States. This should not be surprises, taking into account the fact that the only real criteria for a ghost house is a creepy atmosphere, a history rich enough, and some eyewitnesses.

Where some of the best places to visit to see a "real" ghost? What is it with two of the more frequented places on earth:

• Whaley House - with offices in San Diego, California, is the realm of the current champion of the nation more ghost house. The residence was partly due to an old cemetery, and some of San Diego's first gallows. The residence, it has evolved over 148 years old. Placement of the house, he has a first scene of many cruel acts during the last century. For this reason extensive tables with wonderful observations have this characteristic. It is in particular to the spirit of a young girl, even accidentally hung everything with a cloth, in a hill. A thief attends Jim Robinson and was 5 years ago the house was built. The place of death is now between lounge and music. The visitors reported a feeling of coldness and narrowing of the neck when the arc between these areas. Parallel to these two spirits, there are many accounts fragrances spirit in some rooms, the crying baby does not exist, in other rooms, and the various appearances were seen in the house of mirrors and windows.

• Borley Rectory - not in the rest of the United States, England, is also the host of a number of places. The ghost realm, which is, apparently, Borley Rectory, in the small town of Borley, in Essex. The Presbytery (accommodation for priests) was founded in 1863, at the site of a former monastery. Interestingly, it was extended to an area that was already known to host a ghost (a nun was bricked of life, in a cellar of the monastic community). The presbytery had many comments from the religion, as well as numerous activities Poltergeist, where various objects would be broken, or moved. Strange sounds, smells and cold are all known varieties occur here as well.

Although these two agencies the right to have been obsessed, one must ask whether it is one thing, tormented by real, or simply a phenomenon, Psychosomatics. Ghosts are real, or just figments of our imagination? This remains a controversial issue in public. A Harris poll last (February 2003) has revealed that a huge 51% of respondents believed in ghosts.

Of course, the belief in something, and the reality of, are not always the same thing. Finally, it was a time when a large part of the world believes that the earth was flat and the disease was through the influence of the stars. Although many debate on the validity of the ghost "in the public, there is little or no debate between the scientific community. So far there has been no concrete evidence to suggest the validity of ghosts, preternatural and other events.

Well then, what people see? With each applicant in mind there, there are also a handful of ghost busters. Playing the various reports this fellow, has shown that the spirits of the encounters are the result of one of two things.

1st Hallucinations
2nd Hoaxes

The first word is clinically insane, is not it? Not really. The hallucinations are more frequently by the public that one could believe. A hallucination is quite simply a moment in which the brain, is a mistake, sounds or smelling, for something that is not. Most hallucinations occur, while "dizzy" moments. In other words, moments in which the person in a state quite relaxed. The two most popular are, if you will, or from sleeping, or by a relaxed, fairly monotonous.

Hallucinations that occur when you look at the item to sleep, or, if a straight from sleep, are called Hypnopompic hallucinations, or "Waking Dreams." The brain is not completely rule out "standby mode" when you wake up, and therefore moments of the dream, in reality escape. The hallucinations may also occur during monotonous activities such as cleaning. When one is in a state of nature dreamer, appearances have a tendency to produce. Many people see something report of the corner of their eyes. It is often the result of their eyes registering movement of some small things (such as a fly, their eyelashes, or the title of issues driving inside the eye itself), their brains and the integration into a larger cause. Sometimes they are in the form of a person who is standing or sitting. The extent of the information contained in the hallucination, has a lot with how sensitive / hallucinator the imagination. The result is always the same. The second person who looks away, the "appearance" disappears.

Regarding the reason why so many people to the same report, which is much with the power of the proposal. The people who in the course of the stories associated with a particular place, often the inclination to see objects in question. Most of the time, hallucination receives part of the history of the person May have heard (often get in shape to the scenario after the fact). Other times, hallucination, is quite violently to a new story eerily. This is usually the result of a person with a "fantasy" type of personality. In other words, a person who is particularly good to fantasize. Many people like these, go to write fantastic / science-fiction books, or claim that the mental abilities. They also have slightly hypnotized. Cases in which objects are moved, or traveling, often exaggerations of what really happened. Sometimes the person himself unconsciously, about the things in an effort to their imagination to life.

Who, then leads us to our second major frequent type: hoaxes. In many places have been, throughout the world, are in this way to stimulate the feeling of paranormal activity. In many places, a story to have been obsessed, probably a hand-held game of owners and employees who try to life, the legends. This may be the small things, such as strengthening the synchronized sound in a certain part of the night, intentionally flicking in and outside lighting, the creation of phantom images, and the stories side effects.

Often these houses hocus-pocus "are simply ferreted. From time to time, however, a ghost house retains its air paranormal for much longer and more resistant to attempts to debunking. Take, for example the case of the infamous Amityville Horror. The Amityville Horror took place in Amityville, New York 1975. The house was the scene of the terrible murder of the DeFeo family member of the family Ronald "Butch" Jr. a year ago. The house was purchased George and Kathy Lutz and their three children. Shortly after the trip, the Lutzes announced owned by the demons in her house and gave a bit of a detailed report on this product, over the course of their 28 day stay.

The story was written in a book by Jay Anson authour, in the year 1977. This was in 1979 by a film based on the book, and now a remake of 2005. The three characteristics of the motto: A true story. However, this is by far not the case. Since the first story was in the audience's attention, there were opponents. But despite the collection was found by the researchers Rick Moran & Peter Jordan, more than 100 errors are detected, is the book of history and reality (as the alleged demonic hoof print found in the snow, n 'could do would not like there was no snow this evening), despite the facts, the legend.

In the end, it has finally, the confession by William Weber (DeFeo's lawyer), and the Lutzes themselves, and finally in this legend. The Amityville Horror was finally debunked, but the damage was already done. All subsequent owners of the old domain DeFeo must now with a variety of gawkers and the paranormal investigators, based on the Tracks the sick condemned home.

This Halloween, if someone dares you for the night at the local level "real" ghost house, it's enough to recall the famous phrase of the inquiry committee authours Robert Baker and Joe Nickell:

"There is no place was frequented only persons."

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