Sunday, July 20, 2008

"Ghost" Are they real?

Ghost - definition - "The spirit of a deceased person, especially a view of negotiations in the physical resemblance to persons living or frequent ex-habitats."

What are the spirits and ghosts?

More than ever, people are desperately in search of who and what are the ghosts. Where do they come from? Why are they doing? Are the drinks and other members of the souls who died? Are they still trapped in our dimension? Are they lost and unable to move, to the place where they belong? Are you at the end of the plan to succeed? Is what they even know that they themselves?

These are the spirit of bending questions! And that is probably why so many people are today, so much time and energy, and when a large part of their lives to try to contact or the structure.

But for the simple answer to all that we need back in time. We must return to about 7000 years old - in the word of God - the Bible.

God has told us several thousand years earlier, on all the ghosts around us. And it is not unreasonable to rely on the Bible for the answers. To the Bible itself is by credible testimony that God, because the author is. In His Word supernatural God has done some things to prove that the author of it.

Now please read and not nervous. I will show you why we can be confident that the Bible.

The Bible was by 40 men, selected by God to write. It was developed over a period of 1,500 years. The 40 men have written on 3 continents separated, and all were writing the same thing at the same time. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. At the time, they had no vans to the postal service, no case ship aircraft, Federal Express, UPS and no e-mail. Then, how could it be that he writing all the same things, which are then separated on 3 continents? Because the men written, God has spoken.

The second witness of God to us is that the author God of the Bible:
Prophecy. The Bible is about 40% of prophecy. There are nearly 8000 verses of the prophecy in the Bible. Of the nearly 8000 verses, 90% of them come in the way, with a precise indication. The remaining 10% are either in the work now or in the future we will soon. Only God can say in our entire way of the story from beginning to end. And God has not wrong. God's prophetic program proved to be extremely precise and accurate.

And that is in this Bible that God shows us that these spirits or ghosts. “If you are misled to believe the lie of the development, I have flash information for you - mind, nothing has changed! -- And neither has the intellectual field - and has other dimensions - and still we do.

First, the spirits who are not.

The ghosts are not dead. They are not from the parents or relatives who have died, and which are not changed.

For some of these May-hard to swallow, even shocking. Many people have of events or visits or contacts with institutions, it seems, or the claims, a costly, which have passed. But God tells us in his word, the Bible, that when the soul leaves the body, he will directly go to Him. From there the soul stands before the Lord, so he decides. The soul is the access in the Kingdom of God (the sky), or it is in a prison mental literal (hell).

If you think the spirits, or do not believe in ghosts, it is probably sure you know, at least someone who you said, they have really seen a ghost.

All of America and the rest of the world of ghosts and haunting. Sometimes the ghosts, sometimes they are perceived. Sometimes the person making the encounter with a spirit that he is accepted as the reality, so that sometimes a person who holds a meeting in May to deny what he or she comes from the experience.

Ghosts are in the Bible. God tells us that there is a "great cloud of witnesses" that surrounds us. It also shows us that there are ghosts around us. What the world loves the ghosts call, God calls: spirits, ghosts, spirits messy; misleading ghosts, devils and demons, principalities, Nephelim and the heads up.

I personally have always believed the mind, or "ghosts" because of the detailed descriptions of God shows us in the Bible. But I never really believed person was actually to see their audience or, at least as a voice in question. I also know that the real centers often receive some unknown truths detailed domain, which most of us know little. LEDs, the readers of palm oil, diseases good adventure, etc., to learn from somewhere on the other. Contrary to what some think, you are not from inside them. Media are people and, like the entire world, limited to the meat, which in turn is limited to the physical laws of nature. To the detailed information they receive, they have to deal with someone on the other hand, lives someone who is outside of time and space, as we know it.

What we believe "ghosts" or the spirit is really, is a little questionable, because the evidence piling up more and more, especially with the technology of today. Technological advances have to give concrete evidence paranormal claims. Are no longer simply personal paranormal experience, but our technology is the Fang daily on video, video recorders, thermal imaging cameras, electro-magnetic field sensors (EMC) of movement - and a host of other technologies.

But this proof technology is no surprise to many of us. Many of us have for a long time about these ghosts. Many think because of personal experience, they have had in the eyes of many because of the technological caught, that they have seen, and many of us believe, because God has told us in his word, since the beginning of all.


mhae14344 said...

yeah the ghost is real..i have expirience about them...

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