Saturday, July 26, 2008

Death.... All Around?

Spiritual death

A classic starting point in the definition of death, life itself seems to be the perceived death or a termination of life - or as a transition towards a continuation of life by other means. A logical approach would be to ask ", died" when death comes. In other words, the identity of the dying is in the definition of death. But how can we build dying must be clearly and unambiguously identity ". Death eludes all definitions; it is the great unknown, the last truth.

Legal death

In the West the right to a dead person can be declared in three different ways. By far the most pronounced by a doctor. The second largest municipality coroner spoke of a doctor or an accountant. The third way, a person is legally pronounced death by the courts after a person has disappeared during a certain time, the courts decide to the dead; their goods can be distributed in an appropriate manner. The certificate of death is a document that the exact legal status, how and when a person died, and who decides the dead.

Social death

A person is not completely died, claimed Hertz, until the proper rituals were completed.

Religious death

For the Roman Catholic Church is death "complete and definitive separation of soul from the body." But the Vatican has acknowledged that the diagnosis of death is a subject of medicine, not the church. In 1957, Pope Pius XII doubts whether the doctors can be, "the process of resuscitation, despite the fact that the soul of May, already from the body." He has even asked one of the key issues to modern medicine, namely when the death has already taken place after serious injuries in the brain, which led to the loss of deep breathing and the heart of the paralysis, the death of consequences has been delayed Caused by the artificial respiration. "The answer," he said, "not under the jurisdiction of the Church."
"It remains to the doctor and anesthetist, in particular, a clear and precise definition of death 'and' time of death" a patient dies, in a state of unconsciousness. “

Pope Pius XII.

The followers of religions such as Zen Buddhism, Schintoismus and think that the mind and body are integrated and have difficulty to accept brain death criteria for the determination of death. Some Orthodox Jews, Americans, fundamentalist Christians and Muslims believe that while the heart beats - even artificially, you're still alive.


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