Thursday, May 29, 2008

The cruelty of his crimes

The cruelty of his crimes was beyond imagination. The process was record some of them. After two men and one woman were walking along a road, crossed the forest stub uses to hide, he called in one of them in the forest. If man did not return for some time, the second has followed his path and disappeared into the forest. If both the man did not return for some time the woman for his life. Later, two corpses were mangle men of the forest, but the woman was never the body. It was believed that stub has engulfed everything. The girls play together or milking cows in the fields of frequent were his victims. It uses to hunt like a dog, the slowest Fang, rape and kill. Then he drinks hot blood and eating the meat of appeal of his body. But most cruel, the sin was committed by his own son. He pointed to a nearby forest, poor child cracked open his skull and brain have eaten.

No sanction could be the size of the order of stub crime. His flesh was drawn in red hot pinched her arms and legs were broken, and he was finally beheaded. His body was cremated ashes.

The magistrate Bedburg a grim reminder of the ghastly incident monument. Workers of torture wheel atop a high mast with the head of structured stub with the likelihood of a wolf. Sixteen pieces of wood, reductions of time sorting was based on the rim of the wheel, the poor souls of the victims. Words stub's Trial-and-enforcement across the country as soon as possible. His brutality, cruelty and barbarism are beyond human comprehension and were easily in relation to the behavior of a wolf. People began to believe that these people with the shadows of wolves living among them. They called the Werewolves.


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