Friday, May 30, 2008

someone is a vampire?

As you can tell that someone is a vampire? Never asked if your friends, your family or teachers, that the Vampire dry scrubbing you? The following suggestions are mainly from the ancient myths and legends. If you find a corpse, is large but has shown blood in the mouth, grew up in long hair and nails are the chances that you're doing business with a vampire. (Of course, in modern times, we have achieved that the above conditions are all part of decomposition.) In order to realize a vampire to grave at the cemetery or, if you do not search for people, first finger sized looking to Holes falls, looking disturbed dirt, constantly disrupted by fog coffins, or fingerprinted and grave stones that led to the grave, (you do not make your own), no singing of birds, dogs bark and refused, in the cemetery, Geese almost cry when it is suspected of serious and, finally, but not less, groans under the sounds of the earth.

If you think that someone you know, was the victim of a vampirism or possibly a vampire is some scope for recognition. If the alleged victim suffers from one or more of the following list are the chances that you matter with the undead. To observe, insomnia, nightmares, anemia, trademarks bite wounds on the neck, (be dead), fatigue, nervousness, irritability, sleep walking, breathing difficulties, not d 'loss of appetite, weight loss, the reluctance with garlic, raw and dental strange light sensitivity. All together, then you are either a vampire or a relative of small children.

The emergence of the proposal, a vampire is also important. You should follow these teeth, red eyes, long fingernails, pallor, the reluctance in a house without an invitation, hairy palms and reluctance of lights. Create, to see whether your family and / or friends, a reflection or shadow.


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