Friday, May 30, 2008

"VAMPIRE'S" fear of the living...

A vampire feeds on the life line of their victims. This happens usually when they drink the blood of their victims. The reasons which the vampire needs blood is to survive ranges from one culture to another. Some are of the opinion that the vampire needs blood, in their veins to her body and damage the animation decomposition. Others are of the opinion that feed a sadistic usual to chaos and fear.
This theory, of course, to the fact, think May, that it is not the blood of the Vampire, the revitalized, but the fear and pain. Vampires are not particularly, they drink the blood of animals and humans.

The most obvious characteristic of which you, if in the vampire of course, are that the creature died still walk among the living. Most stories vampirism we say that these beings have the hook, fear the light of the sun, they can work in the form of quarter (i.e. the bats and wolves), they weep tears of blood, sleep in a coffin in throughout the day and the extreme values of strength and speed. Of course, it is obvious that this creature is immortal, unless, of course killed by using the right methods.

As said before the different cultures have different myths about vampires. For European instances of the Vampire faith died, as a zombie, hideously distorted, death and evil in itself. Considering that the American legend was given to us by Hollywood. The creature is a sensual, desirable. Most of our movies and combine the myth and the legend de l'Europe, but also adds the dashboard Americana, was in fact a seductive beauty, with muscles and brain, and sometimes even a hint of compassion.


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