Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vlad Dracula's life...

In my own research, Vlad Dracula was born in Wallachia, admits a turbulent, dark period for Eastern Europe. Smaller countries internally war that exists between a family line and the line of aristocrats; many identify what are the kings, and are on the throne. Apart from countries at war, they are increasingly tentative marriage contracts and alliances to be broken in order to better with former enemies. Above all, the church decided, and each king was the responsibility of religion and the Byzantine emperor. In addition, the risk of an invasion by the Ottoman Turks, and you has a really bad time.

Vlad Dracula was born the second son of Vlad Dracula and a woman unknown. Given the lack of documents (either lost or they simply never recorded), at the time of Dracula's birth is not known, but at least in writing on the first recordings of Dracula, the mention of his second son, scientists have Vlad Dracula's birth between 1429 and the 1437th Mircea, the oldest and undoubtedly full of Vlad was brothers, was born the same woman. The third son of Dracula, Radu, was born to another woman. Two other brothers, Vlad the monk and Mircea, were born yet another woman, or perhaps two women, probably most of Dracula’s Mr. Procedure. Only the eldest, Mircea, Vlad Dracula and Radu were officially recognized by his father and as a legitimate heir to the throne of his father has worked so hard to obtain.


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