Thursday, May 29, 2008

Warewolf's Legend

In the middle Ages, especially from 15 until 17 century, Europe was under the shadow of ignorance and superstition. The cities have been developed and people living near forests. The fear of wolves was like a nightmare. Your attacks have been so often in nature and horrific that people even fear that travel from one place to another. Each morning, the landscape to find the man would be eaten half of the members humans dispersed on their fields.

The first examination took place near werewolf in the landscape of the German city of Cologne and Bed burg in 1591. An old brochure describes moments of shakiness living. Few people the narrowness of a large wolf and their dogs on them. They started to break with sticks and spears. Amazing the way of wild wolves is not trying to flee or to protect them, but lifted and revealed a middle-aged man; it was Peter stub in the same village.

Stub on a wheel of torture, where he confessed to the murders of six, including two women and thirteen children. The story behind his downfall was quite bizarre. He began to practice magic, when his was only 12 owned and so it attempts similarly, a pact with the dye. After several months, it would be covered by a wolf and continued with his worst acts of brutality. In the wolf, he formed to tear the victims throats warm and suck the blood veins. Shortly after his thirst for blood, and it grew roamed fields in search of prey.


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