Thursday, May 29, 2008

The History Unfolds!

In 300 AD, people gradually started to slave drift southward through the valley of the Danube (for example, today in Austria) and the Balkans. It makes tribes and land farmed. These waves of migration set before the first 600 years. Given that the Slavs, he distributed, or similar, the native inhabitants of the Balkans. The Illyrians were forced to assimilate or Albania today. On the other hand, the Greeks Slavic tribes of assimilation continue. Thracians darken withdrawn and isolated mountain and east remained relatively small groups. Several centuries later as nomads in northern Romanians and Vlachos. The Slavs, finally, were divided into four groups: Slovenes, Croats, Serbs and Slavs, later known as Bulgarians. They were about is where, what is now Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria - (see map). They formed a group known as the South Slavs, united with the Slavs Eastern and Western, by a common language and origin. These countries also Slav southern part of what is known as the Balkans or the Balkan Peninsula.

The first Slavic kingdoms, was organized as Bulgarians. The Bulgarians were not themselves Slavs, but martial and nomadic man, known as the Finn-Tatars and in relation to the Huns. After subduing the Slavs, they were left, left under the rule itself. Bulgarians, remained in the area have been assimilated to the Slavic culture, even if they are not required to Slavs with Slavic names "Bulgarian" to detect and later their country. Nothing else remains among Bulgarians of man or the language. Later, one of the main suppliers - and Khan - known as Khan Boris substantial achievements made on behalf of the Bulgarian empire, including one south of Constantinople. In return for official recognition by the Byzantine Empire, Khan Boris agreed to adopt Orthodox Christianity. With the help of missionaries Greek Orthodox Bulgarians, largely transformed Orthodox Christianity. The missionaries also a Greek alphabet and translated the Bible into slave, and this, rather than Greek or Latin, the official language of the Bulgarian Church. The Bulgarian Empire's high point was during the reign of Simeon - Boris son - 893-927.

At the time of Orthodox Bulgarians have always been, their neighbors, Serbs, were also converted. But it was a struggle in Croatia and Slovenia, between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. Finally, while the Catholic Church has made in the two regions. The Byzantine Empire, however, was soon take precedence over the Slavs, because he conquered the empire Bulgarian decompose when it after the death of Simeon. But soon after their victory over Bulgaria, the Byzantine Empire began his own descent. With the power of Constantinople seriously weakened, Bulgarians and Serbs were able to regain power slaves.


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